Monday, July 11, 2011

I Don't Even Like Photos of Flowers.

There I said it.  They don't interest me all that much, but I was at Milner Gardens today with Stu and the other participants of the conference, so here are a few photos I took...oh and Stu did encourage me to switch lenses, but I did not. Thus you will have to check out the website to get a better WIDER view:)

This is not a flower.  Just a tree growing an offshoot...or something.  BARK.

ALSO:  not a flower.  He is cute and smells good though, can I take him home?  Yes I can.

I think this is a Lily.  Pretty sure that orange stuff in the middle will have me sneezing all night.

First In Spite of Me Blog Contest:  Guess this flower and I will send you a milk bucket in MooLand.  

So ya, a tad boring, will have better stuff an a little adventure, haven't even told the kids about it so I certainly won't tell


  1. Rude! Do your kids even read your blog? You can tell us!

  2. Haha we are going to Combs (sp?) Market to see goats on roofs. Also later, cave exploration,
    However I will only be able to use my phone camera in there! We have decided we need the canon under water point n' shoot like yours...too many places my camera can't Go!


Leave your comments: the good, the bad and the ugly:)