Sunday, January 8, 2012


If you know me, you likely don't think the title of this post suits me one bit. In fact, I feel like I have lived two VERY different lives...quiet and shy for the first part merging into the boisterous social person I have become.

My younger sister on the other hand was born adorable, social and feisty.  When people came to visit they gravitated to her.  I gravitated to the wall.  Sounds pathetic, but I don't recall being bitter about it...we had roles to play and we did it well.

Attitude and the Wallflower: Starsky and Hutch.

If I were to spend time being bitter, it might be about THIS:

Tall blond in the Wallflower swimsuit: Incognito.

Anyway, where was I? Oh at some point I rebelled.  I raised my voice.  I made a scene.  I spoke my mind. It was....awkward.  Well, I was 14...EVERYTHING was awkward, but more about that and my really big 80's hair another time.

All of this to say...I might be reverting to my wallflower ways.  I still speak my mind, but perhaps not as willing to put myself out there. Until last night, that is.  We went to a Seasonal Celebration for the Hub's work and the event had a Cowboy theme.  I had no sooner finished the fabulous meal when I was being dragged out to the dance floor to dance. LINE DANCE. I kid you not.  I lived through the early nineties, the Electric Slide and Cadillac Ranch, I saw no reason to return to it.  However, this lady, single and new to town was ready to dance so there I stood: mortified and ready to bail.  When did I become that person? I mean when did I become THAT person again? 

So I grit my teeth, stick it out, learn 3 different line dances and have a terrific time, dancing the night away.  Even dragged the Hubs out to dance a couple of times! HAD. A. BLAST. 
A Wallflower no more.


  1. Good for you! stepping outside of the box is scary but oh so fun!!!! Can't wait to see you AND Becki this weekend! woot! 2 of my fave gals!

  2. Newest follower, found you on twitter from the #blogwest. Swing by the blog when you can

  3. Oh wild, I noticed your twitter follow before I saw your comment, already checked out your blog, it's fantastic!

  4. LOVE this post, Bobbi. :-) SO much. Really needed it today as I purpose, once again, to be brave. :-)

  5. Thanks so much for reading it Krista!


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